Welcome all! Whether if you’re an existing OXS user, or eagle-eyed explorer, or you just stumbled upon this project, WELCOME to KWAI Labs!
What’s KWAI? We’re glad you asked!
KWAI is our very own AI-powered Smart Assistant, which has been developed as a friendly helper as it is a well known fact that WEB3 in it’s current form and factor, is still not the most beginner nor user intuitive environment. The team was captivated by ChatGPT and how the AI is capable of providing human-like, logical responses to almost any prompts thrown at it. However, even with ChatGPT, there’s still a gaping vacancy when it comes to blockchain navigating guidance.
KWAI Use Case
Your very own AI assistant
KWAI was envisioned with the chinese character “快”, which translates to “Fast”. How KWAI came to be, started with a simple sentence: “Quick, help me get some Bitcoins”, and the idea for a clever little AI assistant manifested itself.
KWAI, at it’s current stage, has been designed to accurately help users in spot-swapping with just a chat prompt. BETA Version of the Chatting feature is currently being developed and will be releasing in due course. Here’s what to expect in the near future!
The KWAI Launchpad
True to it’s origins, KWAI will also retain OXS’s infrastructure as a Multi-chain Launchpad.
KWAI will be the native token utilized on the Launchpad in a similar fashion as OXS. KWAI will be the native token utilized on the platform in a similar fashion as OXS with the following Tier requirements:
To reward OXS Long term loyal supporters who have staked OXS more than 300 days prior to the rebranding, there will be an added option to exchange for a Tier-qualifier NFT at the following rate:
- Existing OXS Tier-1 holders who have staked at least 14,000 OXS:
Exchange 21,000 KWAI for a KWAI Tier-1 NFT
(First Come First Serve, limited to 250 pieces ONLY) - Existing OXS Tier-2 holders who have staked between 4,000–7,000 OXS:
Exchange 10,000 KWAI for a KWAI Tier-2 NFT
(First Come First Serve, limited to 250 pieces ONLY) - Existing OXS Tier-3 holders who have staked at least 200 OXS:
Exchange 300 KWAI for a KWAI Tier-3 NFT
(First Come First Serve, limited to 50 pieces ONLY)
All KWAI received from the NFT minting will be BURNED. NFTs are transferrable, and holders will automatically qualify for the respective tiers in accordance to the NFT.
Further details of the minting process and timing will be released shortly in Telegram here.
In addition to the above, By being a KWAI token holder, this enables users exclusive access to our staking pool, with an APR of 10%!
If you unstake your KWAI tokens, the following will happen:
- You will be able to withdraw your tokens in full after a 15 days waiting period.
- If you need to withdraw your tokens before the 15-day waiting period is over, there will be a 30% penalty incurred on the total amount of tokens staked. For example, if you staked 100 KWAI tokens and need to withdraw before the timelock is complete, you will only be able to withdraw a maximum of 70 KWAI tokens.
IMPORTANT: to help manage the price stability of KWAI in the first month following the relaunch, penalty of early withdrawal is set at 50%. Penalty will resume to 30% in the subsequent months.
Total supply: 50,000,000 KWAI:
- 25 Million Circulation/ Holders
- 5.0 Million Staking pool reward allocation
- 3 Million Liquidity for Uniswap v3
- 7 Million Liquidity for potential listing
- 5 Million Partnership/Marketing
- 2.5 Million Team Token
- 2.5 Million To be burned
3% Tax for all Buy/Sell transactions, to be utilized for operation fund.
KWAI Relaunch in BSC
KWAI is currently being adopted and relaunched in Binance Smart Chain(BSC). This decision came about following a lengthy internal deliberation and an engaging discussion/voting with the team’s top investors in view of BSC’s tried and tested stability, user experience and transaction speed.
Whilst the team has also considered development on the other chains, BSC maintains as the chain with HIGH daily volume with LOW fee taxation, an ideal recipe for building healthy LPs at this juncture.
All activities, including trading, staking, harvesting rewards and migration from OXS, have now resumed.
So Now what?
For the previous Polygon-KWAI holders:
Your new KWAI Tokens(inclusive of the previous staking rewards) would have already been airdropped to the BSC wallet of the same address.
For previous Polygon-KWAI holders who have unstaked and are waiting for the coundown:
Following the relaunch, everything has been reset. Once unstaked, the countdown will restart from 15 days.
For existing OXS holders who have yet to migrate your tokens, don’t miss out! follow the easy steps below:
1. Relax.
2. Visit https://oxbull.tech/app/oxs-migrate.
3. Connect your Solana wallet to the migration page.
4. Provide your BSC wallet address by connecting your wallet to the site.
5. Click “Migrate” and approve the necessary transactions via your wallet.
6. Your OXS tokens should now be successfully migrated to KWAI in your BSC wallet!
We are excited to have you as part of the KWAI community and look forward to your continued support!
KWAI Labs Resources
Website: https://kwailabs.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kwai_labs
Telegram: https://t.me/kwai_labs
Telegram(announcement): https://t.me/kwai_labs_announcement
Medium: https://kwailabs.medium.com/
Our content is intended to be used as information and education purposes only. It is very essential to do your own research and analysis before doing any investment decision or otherwise. Do Your Own Research.
Information is accurate at time of writing and can be subject to change.
KWAI Labs shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, in respect of any damages and/or expenses and/or any losses you may suffer arising out of such information or any reliance you may place upon such information.
Any further arrangements between you and any third parties contacted via the Website/Affiliated links are at your sole risk.